Amano: IAEA has access to all locations it needs in Iran

Yukiya Amano, chief of the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency, said on Tuesday that commitments undertaken by Iran under the 2015 nuclear deal are being implemented and the IAEA has so far had access to all locations it has needed to visit in the country.
“The sun does not set on IAEA safeguards,” the IAEA website quoted him as saying during his speech at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs in the eastern U.S. city of Cambridge.
The IAEA carries out stronger inspection activities in Iran and knows more about its nuclear program as a result of the international agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, he noted.
According to Reuters, the UN atomic watchdog said on Monday in its first report since U.S. President Donald Trump decertified Iranian compliance with the terms that Iran has remained within the main limits on its nuclear activity set by the nuclear deal.
Prior to the recent report, the IAEA had confirmed Iran’s compliance to the JCPOA for eight times.
Despite all these confirmations U.S. President Donald Trump on October 13 decertified Iran’s compliance to the nuclear deal and asked Congress to decide about the fate of the agreement.
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